Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Jun 22, 2018
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD is a condition that causes the body’s fight or flight stress response to activate in reaction to thoughts, memories, and dreams of a tr
Welcome! The Fear Blog is dedicated to providing information and strategies to help you overcome and conquer panic attacks, fear, and anxiety.
My name is Dr. Russell A Hunter, PsyD and I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist recognized by the National Register of Health Service Psychologists as meeting the National Register’s stringent requirements for education and experience as a healthcare professional.
I specialize in the field of Clinical Psychology and I am an expert in the treatment of Panic Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, and Neurocognitive Disorders.
I published a book titled, "Attacking Panic: The Power to Be Calm" and it is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.