What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like
What does a Panic Attack Feel Like or look like. A panic attack can feel like you are going to go crazy or lose your mind.
Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Oct 2, 2019

How To Stop A Panic Attack At Work
Symptoms and causes of panic attacks at work and 7 strategies to stop a panic attack at work.
Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Aug 13, 2019

How To Stop Panic Attacks At Night
Cope With Panic Attacks At Night by: Creating a calm environment, reduce worry and anxious thinking by labeling your thoughts and detaching
Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Jun 24, 2019

How Long Does A Panic Attack Last
A panic attack is a very brief episode of intense fear and discomfort that lasts on average approximately 20 minutes. The panic may occur ab
Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
May 1, 2019

What Triggers Panic Attacks?
What causes a panic attack is usually internal or external in nature. Triggers can be reduced to 3 main causes for a panic attack. Number 3
Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Jan 7, 2019